Sermon Series:
Obadiah: Pride Before the Fall
Speaker: Pastor James Oney
One chapter. Endless impact.
Discover how Obadiah’s ancient message speaks directly to our modern world, reminding us of God’s sovereignty and His call to walk humbly with Him.
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We continue our study through Acts, exploring how Paul's proclamation of truth in Ephesus disrupted the status quo and challenged deeply entrenched societal norms. We're reminded that as believers, we're called to speak truth boldly and consistently, even when it challenges prevailing cultural practices.
In this powerful exploration of baptism, we're challenged to examine the depth of our faith and understanding of the Holy Spirit. The passage from Acts 19 reveals how even well-meaning believers can have an incomplete grasp of the gospel. We're reminded that true faith isn't just about intellectual assent, but about receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the fullness of life in Christ.
In this powerful exploration of baptism, we're challenged to examine the depth of our faith and understanding of the Holy Spirit. The passage from Acts 19 reveals how even well-meaning believers can have an incomplete grasp of the gospel. We're reminded that true faith isn't just about intellectual assent, but about receiving the Holy Spirit and experiencing the fullness of life in Christ.
Join us as we delve into the transformative power of baptism, a key Christian doctrine, through the apostle Paul's missionary work and his teachings to the Ephesian disciples. This insightful exploration sheds light on the true meaning of belief, the essential role of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life, and the deep significance of baptism beyond the act of repentance. Discover how baptism signifies our union with Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which empowers us to live a life that reflects Christ.
This year at Liberty, Pastor James takes us through the entire book of Acts!
Pastor James
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Pastor James
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